News & Blog

Understanding Alzheimer’s: Signs, Symptoms, and Support

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, behavior, and the ability to perform everyday tasks. This post covers the early warning signs of the condition, available support, and the latest research.

Early Warning Signs

Alzheimer’s often starts with subtle changes that may be overlooked or attributed to normal aging. Recognizing these early signs is crucial for early diagnosis and intervention. Here are some common warning signs:

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How Do We Help Protect Our High-Risk Workers

Healthcare workers, among other industries, are in a high-risk position to spread the COVID-19 virus. How do we protect our Healthcare workers from getting the coronavirus and also spreading it? Singapore and Hong Kong were at the forefront of this virus. They learned...

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The Benefits of In-Home Care for Seniors
The Benefits of In-Home Care for Seniors

As people age, they may find it difficult to continue living independently. Everyday tasks that were once easy, like cooking, cleaning, and even getting dressed, can become a challenge. Family members may try to help out as much as possible, but sometimes it's simply...

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Food Safety
Food Safety

According to the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) each year 48 million illnesses,128,000 hospitalizations, and 3,000 deaths in thiscountry can be traced to foodborne pathogens.We’ve probably all heard our older loved ones commentthat they have always...

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Globally, we are all encouraging people to stay safe from the virus by staying home, limiting contact with people, wearing masks at all times, and keeping all of our surroundings fully sanitized. Though we are right to praise this behavior, we aren’t talking about the...

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